Wave ring blinking and not connecting to Software
Just got Wave Ring. I downloaded the software and installed it. Software asked to connect to Wave Ring and download new firmware, which I allowed it to do. Now Wave ring blinks every time I start Software. There is no connection, I can see it's trying but no connection. My system is win 10 and I do have "Windows Bluetooth LE Enumurator". I don't know if it's firmware or something else
Dear Tracy, thank you so much for reaching out to us. I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing these technical difficulties. Have you tried restarting your computer after the update?
In order to better understand your issues, we ask that you please contact our support - https://support.genkiinstruments.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
I have the exact same problem with 2 brand new Wave rings but your support intake site is down..
I have the same issue, updated FW, now just blinking dots, otherwise nothing. I'm on MacOS 14.1.1
Hi, Micha!
Thanks for stopping by!
The blinking light is an indicator that the bootloader is running (the firmware update may have failed at some point leaving your ring in this broken state).
Here's a link to an updated Softwave v0.13.2 with new firmware (v1.7.7). There should be improvements, and would be great to get feedback from you.
Softwave for macOS: https://github.com/genkiinstruments/releases/releases/download/softwave-0.13.2/Softwave_mac.zip
Firmware (if needed for manual update): https://github.com/genkiinstruments/releases/releases/download/wave_firmware-1.7.7/wave_v1-7-7.zip
Please let us know if this resolves the issue. Thank you!
The Softwave software says it connects to the wave, but there is no pop-up for updating the Firmware. The DFU Toolbox can find the "wave" device but says it "can not create Frimware from selected file" for the firmware.zip file
Hi Micha,
Have you tried installing new firmware on the ring manually through an Android/iOS device?
If not, please follow the steps listed under “I can’t update the firmware of my Wave through Softwave” on the troubleshooting page - https://genkiinstrumentshelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014089577-Wave-for-Music. Please note that the device’s name will be “Firmware update” instead of “Wave” in step 6.
Please let us know if this works. Otherwise, please shoot us an email at wave@genkiinstruments.com.
Thank you!
Software does not respond to the Wave ring even when connected (hand gestures do not change any parameters). Now, I tried to re-connect the Wave ring but Software will not recognize it, neither does Bluetooth in Mac OS 14.
Also, the link to update Software to 0.13.2 is broken.
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