Movement range keeps shifting
Hi, I've noticed when using tilt, roll or pan that if I move the ring past the limit of the movement range it seems to shift the movement range by however far I move it past the edge of the range, so that however far I move it becomes the new limit, and I have to recenter it again. Is there any way to stop it from doing this so that the actual movement range stays centered where I set it instead of moving?
Hi John,
Thanks for the comment! I'm guessing you'd want to use absolute mode instead of relative (see Relative vs. Absolute).
Relative mode is the default since initial user testing showed that people found that more intuitive. Relative mode works exactly like you describe; however far you move past the input range, it will start tracking immediately when you move back. In absolute mode, you are more "stuck in space", and can have "dead zones" if you move outside the input range.
I hope this answers your question!
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